A blockchain is a publicly accessible online ledger (database), that is not owned by any central authority.
Once anything is ‘written’ in this ledger, it cannot be modified or censored by any single authority.

Benefits of Blockchain technology
- Ownership: Every transfer/purchase of your creations, is recorded on the blockchain. This means that there is a publicly accessible ownership history for your creations. Provenance is automated and accurate. Having a publicly accessible way to verify ownership will create more value for your creations since it’ll be easier to identify infringing use of it. It’ll also make it easier for you to support any DMCA takedown requests.
- Scarcity: When you upload your creation to the blockchain, you can define the number of editions you want to release. The control and distribution of the editions is automated on the blockchain, so you can tightly manage the scarcity of your creations. No more than the defined number of editions, will ever be released.
- Authenticity: When you upload your creation to the blockchain, it cannot be changed thereafter. Buyers can trust that the artwork they are purchasing is the original and has not been tampered with, because the publicly accessible data on the blockchain is always available to verify it. Even if other people copy it (as many tend to do online with digital content), the value of your artwork will not degrade, as long as the specific editions can be verified on the blockchain.
Each of these benefits is available to you, just by using the blockchain.
Even if PINK NFT ceases to exist, your digital creations will forever remain on the blockchain, and forever be transferable/purchasable.
Like any technology however, blockchain isn’t immune to risks.
Interacting with blockchain is still quite complex. What we offer a service that makes blockchain technology simple, and provide its benefits to all creators.
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