Network | RPC URL | Chain ID |
PoS mainnet | https://polygon-mainnet.infura.io | 137 |
PoS Amoy (testnet) | https://rpc-amoy.polygon.technology | 80002 |
zkEVM mainnet | https://zkevm-rpc.com | 1101 |
zkEVM Cardona (testnet) | https://etherscan.cardona.zkevm-rpc.com/ | 2442 |

Base Mainnet
Name | Value |
Network Name | Base Mainnet |
Description | The public mainnet for Base. |
RPC Endpoint | https://mainnet.base.org Rate limited and not for production systems. |
Chain ID | 8453 |
Currency Symbol | ETH |
Block Explorer | https://base.blockscout.com/ |