
  • What is Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)

    What is Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)

    Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) allows investors to commit to a fixed dollar sorry UK its not in £ yet. Adapted from and credit to: Dollar-cost averaging is a strategy that can make it easier to deal with uncertain markets by making purchases automatic. It also supports an investor’s effort to invest regularly. Dollar-cost averaging…

  • For beginner blockchain developers

    For beginner blockchain developers

    Can I deploy a smart contract without gas fees? There is no way to deploy a smart contract without paying gas fees. Gas fees are a cost associated with deploying and using smart contracts on blockchain platforms.  Explanation

  • Why lock liquidity

    Why lock liquidity

    Liquidity, simply put, is a pool of funds that crypto token developers create to enable investors to buy and sell instantly. Without this pool, investors will have to wait for someone to match their buy or sell order and there is no guarantee that the trade will be completed at all. Liquidity is created…

  • Polygon – POL

    Polygon – POL

    MATIC has been upgraded to POL as the network token for Polygon. Every transaction that takes place on Polygon PoS from 4th September 2024, now uses POL as the native gas token.  POL will have immediate utility on the widely adopted Polygon Proof-of-Stake (PoS) network that exists today. You can get all the info…

  • All about Cryptocurrency

    All about Cryptocurrency

    Cryptocurrencies (or Crypto) are digital currencies or digital money. They don’t exist physically like the coins and cash people use, they’re completely virtual. Cryptocurrencies are used to purchase lots of different products and services, and some people are now even buying big things like cars and houses! They’re not widely used at the moment, but the use of cryptocurrencies…

  • What is a Blockchain?

    What is a Blockchain?

    A blockchain is a publicly accessible online ledger (database), that is not owned by any central authority. Once anything is ‘written’ in this ledger, it cannot be modified or censored by any single authority. Benefits of Blockchain technology Each of these benefits is available to you, just by using the blockchain. Even if PINK…